Thursday, June 16, 2011

day 2: photo challenge

So here is what I was planning to wear today.... since after all I was suppose to take a picture of "what you wore"... it wasn't anything too fancy: jeans, green tank, and a brown tank.

You can see the detail in the brown tank much better in this photo.... what you can't see is that this tank has hidden pockets! And who doesn't love those!!
We were all set to go to the park for lunch and then onto the pool until a did a double check in the mirror and here is what I saw:
So the beautiful brown tank came off :(
It was replaced by a brown tee... which I tried to take a picture of... but after all we had a lunch date at the park and my one attempt at a picture failed!
But tomorrow is another day... to take a picture of the clouds... So if it isn't raining Cori and I will go hunting for animals in the clouds!!
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  1. the tank is super cute though... gonna have to figure out a way to wear it! missed you this afternoon. NEXT week!

  2. i love that tank! its really fun!
